We Thrive on Building a Healthy Community for All Individuals.
On the basis of the medical center “Brivona” can be given a thorough examination of the body and get the advice of highly qualified specialists in various fields of medicine. According to studies, our doctors will make an individual program of prevention and treatment of identified diseases, directed to a surgical treatment if necessary.
- Adult and Child Trauma Center
- Birthing and Lactation Classes
- Dental and Oral Surgery
- Adult and Child Trauma Center
- Birthing and Lactation Classes
- Dental and Oral Surgery
Our Clinic has grown to provide a world class facility for the treatment of tooth loss, dental cosmetics and bore advanced restorative dentistry.
What We Do
Managed Heathcare Services
Since its founding Brivona has been providing its patients with the full medical care, encompassing outpatients services, is neurology, laboratory, imaging diagnostics and more.
Our paediatric services utilizes state technology and employs team of experts for paediatric.
We offer for severals services helps with yours neurological condition our patient services.
Your heart is the best hands state-of-the-arts cardiovascu-lar of the cardiology institute.
Dental Care
We offers great t dental care including cosmetic and oral dental implants and emergency care.
Our endoscopic procedures is include is the bronchoscopys, thoracentesis,& tube insertion.
We offer several services to help with your neurological condition to improve our patient services.
Your heart is in the best hands at our state-of-the-art cardiovascular of the cardiology institute.
Dental Care
We offers great t dental care including cosmetic and oral dental implants and emergency care.
Meet Our Experienced Team
Our Dedicated Doctors Team
We offer extensive medical procedures to outbound and inbound patients what it is and we are very proud of achievement of our staff, We are all work together to help our all patients for recovery
جراحة العظام والكسور
الطب الباطني وأمراض الدم
أمراض النساء والتوليد
جراحة العظام والكسور
Don’t hesitate, contact us for better help and services. Explore all Dr. Team
Our Customers & Clients
مروة طه
مريضة نسائيةقبل إقامتي في تركيا ، كنت على دراية بسمعتهم الممتازة وعلق العديد من الأصدقاء حول مدى حظي في جدولة الجراحة هناك. ونتيجة لذلك ، كانت توقعاتي عالية ومع ذلك فاقها طاقم العمل اللطيف والمحترف مع رعاية المرضى الممتازة.
أحمد سامي
مريض قلبكان الأطباء والممرضات والمساعدون ممتازون جداً ، أشعر أنني بحالة جيدة وأنني محظوظ جدًا ، وأعود إلى ذاتي القديمة مرة أخرى وأشعر بالارتياح ـ أقدر كل لطفكم ورعايتكم الجيدة التي قدمتموها لي والتي تتجاوز توقعاتي .
ستيفاني ماري
مريضة نسائيةفريق عمل رائعون ، بيئة جيدة حقًا ورعاية ممتازة للمرضى. إنهم يبتكرون أنفسهم باستمرار وهذا هو السبب في أنهم يظلون مشفى رائدة. كانت هذه المؤسسة الطبية الأميز التي تعاملت معهم على الإطلاق.
we provide
Total Health Care Main Service
We provide the most full medical services, so every person could have the opportunity to receive qualitative medical help.
DNA Testing
All our surgeries are furnished with state of the art equipment Read More…
During our 25 years in business, we’ve gathered a seasoned Read More…
Cosmetic Dentistry
Clinical excellence, diversity, and the access is to provide innovative technology are all hallmarks of graduate medical education experience at the Brivona. Our residents, fellows,Brivona Read More…
Recent Articles and News
Since its founding Brivona has been providing its patients with the full medical care, encompassing outpatients services, is neurology, laboratory, imaging diagnostics and more.
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